Thursday, December 01, 2005


I was watching WGBH the World network last night. They featured the documentary Homeland: the fight of four American Indian tribes to preserve their land against pollution and more importantly they are fighting to preserve their way of life against what amounts to subtle genocide from the hands of lawmakers and US corporations.

It is a facinating look at the way we pollute our land.

We*, the United States, choose in the name of energy to contaminate the Navajo land in New Mexico by re-opening uranium mines that were closed because the cancer rates in the Navajo people were four times the national average.

We choose to allow the dumping of contaminates into the Penobscot River upstream of the Penobscot Indian Reservation.

We also choose to set up Natural Gas wells all around the borders of the Northern Cheyenne which dumps saline into the water supply. Saline erodes soil and destroys vegatation.

We choose to allow drilling in the ANWR region right where the caribou fawn their young. The caribou are a source of food for the Gwich'in. There are not Safeways or Walmarts in the Artic Gwich'in land.

These lands are not ours to take and pollute or pollute around. There are better and more efficient ways of achieving our energy.

* We. By "we" I mean we as in "We the people in order to form....". If WE do not take responsibility for our politicians, the people we vote or did not vote for, we give up our right to individuality, freedom, and everything America is suppossed to stand for.

If you don't write your congressman and voice your opinion, how are we to measure his actions and judge how he/she is doing the job we hired him/her to do?


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